• How do you balance the need for self-care with the desire to stay informed about what’s going on in the world around you? In my work helping people feel more energized and less stressed, one of the experiments I often suggest is a news fast. For X period of time (the longer, the better, but [...]

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    "I'm feeling a lot better," she said. It was a welcome change. The week before, my client had been feeling stressed and overwhelmed at the state of the world. The feeling was seeping into her days, coloring her experience of life and weighing her down. As we talked about that, I suggested that she [...]

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    My inner critic is a nasty piece of work. He looks like a midieval executioner, and his name is Brutal Bart. He carries a cat-o-nine-tails with barbed wire tips - definitely not the kind of guy you'd want to run into in a dark alley. Fortunately, he's infinitely less active than he used to be (I've[...]

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      Are you so focused on needing things to change for the better that you're cheating yourself of what's good right now? It's a common malady, one I have seen all too often. For example, one of the things I have seen repeatedly with people who feel stuck in jobs they don't like is an insidious [...]

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    Yesterday I wrote about why your time behind the wheel has so much potential to help you feel happier and less stressed in your life. Today I want to share some specific ideas you can experiment with (just a small sampling of the ideas I explore in The Drive to Inner Peace.) You can use these[...]

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    Are you the person you aspire to be when you're behind the wheel? If the answer to that is no, you're in good company. Whenever I ask that question, most people laugh a little sheepishly and admit that they're not. Often far from it. For most of us, our time in the car - and especially in heavy [...]

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    Do you find yourself spinning wildly through your day, running at Mach 10 through your to-do list until you hit the end and think, where the hell did this day go? Mach 10 busyness is a function of how much we try to pack into our days, but it's also a function of habit. We're so used to [...]

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    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. As I think about the news about the horrific shooting in Orlando, my heart is heavy. It is heavy with grief at the loss of life and the sorrow of those left [...]

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    "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel." ~ Stephen Furtick Yesterday I wrote about comparing yourself as a surefire path to misery. Today I want to shine a light on one more reason the comparison game is so [...]

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    Want a surefire recipe for making your life miserable? It's easy, it's natural, and you're probably already doing it. What is it? Compare yourself. Compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to what other people think you should be, or do, or achieve. Compare yourself to what you think your life [...]

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