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  • Byron Katie – Ripple Revolution interview

  • I’m a huge fan of Byron Katie. Not because she’s famous, or because she’s a best-selling author, or any of the things that make her admiration-worthy in popular culture. I’m a huge fan because I know SO many people whose lives have been Byron Katiedeeply impacted in a very positive way by her work, just within the little bubble I occupy here on this planet.

    When I think of the positive ripples that has created, it boggles my mind. And when I multiply that by the cumulative impact of all the people her work has touched, I can’t even wrap my head around it.

    Making the world a better place is one of my prime sources of energy and inspiration. So I was completely psyched to have an opportunity to interview her for The Ripple Revolution Podcast

    As Katie sees it, her work is about one thing – ending suffering. The best-selling author of books such as Loving What is, I Need Your Love – Is That True?, and A Thousand Names for Joy, she has touched millions of lives with a process called The Work.

    In this podcast, Katie offers tips for finding peace and ending the suffering we so often inflict on ourselves. and explores the link between finding peace internally and making a difference in the world.

    Come on in. Sit a spell. And listen to what Katie has to say.

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