• I'm on a mission to change the world from the inside out, helping individuals and organizations make a difference with Aliveness & Impact.

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  • I’m on a mission to change the world from the inside out.

    My calling is to help you create a life you love – one that makes the world a better place just by the way you live it. I’m here to help you feel more energized and alive, with more inner space for that energy to flow.

    But it’s not just about me. It’s also about you, and it’s about all of us, and the impact we can have collectively as a community of people aiming to live lives that make a difference.

    Here’s a short overview of the three main components of changing the world from the inside out – inner work, impact, and interconnectedness. 


    I would love to have you join me on my mission. You can:

    Subscribe to my weekly newsletter
    (And get my FREE ebook, The Aliveness CODE First-Aid Kit, packed with ideas for how to feel better when your day goes “splat!”)

    Subscribe to The Aliveness Blog‘s feed 

    Schedule a free half hour test drive of my Aliveness CODE coaching.

    Or simply drop me a line to let me know that what I’m sharing resonates with you! I always love to hear from people.
