• I'm on a mission to change the world from the inside out, helping individuals and organizations make a difference with Aliveness & Impact.

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  • Special Holiday Offer

  • All of my work is centered around helping people feel less stressed, more resilient, more energized, and more in their groove. It’s about creating a life in what I call the Aliveness Zone.

    As a limited-time holiday offer, I am offering a four-session package focusing on one of the following areas – normally $600 – for $300.

    Stress management

    Everyday life is stressful enough, but in the holiday season it can be even more so. In this package, we will use my Aliveness CODE framework to take a structured, intentional approach to dialing down the stress in your life and giving you the tools and skills you need to manage it better. We will:

    • Take a look at the sources of stress in your life (both external and internal) and explore possible changes.
    • Create a tailor-made approach to building a more solid foundation to both reduce stress and make you better equipped to handle it.
    • Explore specific techniques you can use on the fly to navigate stress more fluidly when it does come up.

    Career passion

    If you’re feeling blah about your work, if you’re feeling like something needs to change, if you want to create a career path that makes you feel more energized and alive, this is a great kickstart.

    Based on my definition of passion – “Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of YOU into what you do” – this package will help you identify the underlying themes that are present when you’re on fire and explore how to consciously incorporate them into your career decisions.

    This isn’t just about major career change. You can also use these insights to sculpt the path you’re currently on to better reflect what energizes you. This would also be the perfect gift for a new grad or college senior to give them a jumpstart on focus and direction.

    Action & traction support

    Sometimes what’s really needed is support on taking action and getting traction. If you have a project you’re working on, or are trying to create significant forward momentum as you work towards a goal or a vision, this one is for you. 

    The package is a combination of exploration of what needs to be done, what’s getting in the way and what to do about it, and how to create a structure to support continued momentum. It also creates focus and accountability. 

    Creating a post-career life

    What will the retirement (or as I prefer to call it, post-career) stage of your life look like? For many people, the freedom of post-career life also brings with it a stressful identity crisis (we tend to identify with our jobs), a perceived lack of meaning and purpose, and too little focus.

    In this exploration, we jettison the stereotype of retirement as all-freedom, all the time, and instead start from the question, “How do I create a vibrant, meaningful, impactful post-career life?” That can include:

    • Gaining a better understanding of what energizes you.
    • Exploring your own unique “meaning map.”
    • Looking at a conscious, intentional approach to building connection and community.
    • Imagining the possibilities to make a difference.
    • Identifying what gets in the way of the experience you want to create.

    Make your life more meaningful

    Meaning is a wild and woolly concept, with many possible definitions. Here is mine:

    Meaning = What gives your life substance and depth.

    Meaning is a unique and individual thing, so the question isn’t “what gives life meaning,” it’s “what gives your life meaning?” In this package, we’ll create a tailor-made “meaning map,” reflecting the potential sources of meaning that resonate most deeply with you. We’ll build on that with an exploration of opportunities to weave more of that into the fabric of your life.