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  • The Drive to Inner Peace: Free download

  • Drive to Inner Peace

    Would you like to bring a better game to the difference you make? Want to feel less stressed? How about getting better at rolling with change?

    I’m on a mission to change the world from the inside out. My ebook, The Drive to Inner Peace, is part of that effort.

    When you’re up to your eyeballs in busy, it’s easy to feel like you don’t have the time for the inner work you know would make you happier, less stressed, and more effective. The Drive to Inner Peace is about reclaiming the time you already spend behind the wheel and using as a rolling learning laboratory for developing greater peace and ease.

    For a limited time, I’m offering this 123-page ebook (ordinarily $9.95), for FREE. The only thing I ask is that you help me on my mission to change the world from the inside out by sharing this link with three other people you think might also benefit. There is no charge. No ulterior motive. No catch.

    Nothing but good karma. (See what I did there? 😉 )

    You can download it here.

    In The Drive to Inner Peace, you will find insights and practices you can use to turn that wasted and frustrating time in traffic into a powerful opportunity for positive personal change.

    Driving as a personal growth practice

    I’m convinced that our time driving is one of the great untapped vehicles for personal growth.

    Think about it. Time in traffic is like a huge Petri dish of some of our biggest obstacles to peace-of-mind. Impatience. A desire to control life (and frustration when we can’t). Anger. Disconnection from others. And that’s just for starters.

    And those obstacles show up day after day (after day, after day).

    As they do, we have a choice. We can either grit our teeth and seethe about how much we hate our commute, and the traffic, and that stupid driver who just cut us off, or we can use it as a four-wheeled learning lab for inner peace.

    This book is about the learning lab option. And, while it’s aimed at your time in the driver’s seat, the work you do inevitably spills over into the rest of your life. Because the person who is getting impatient or angry on the road is the same person who is getting impatient or angry at home, or at work.

    You bring that positive change with you wherever you go.


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